The Project

Tibetan refugees, setlled in Ladakh, Indian Himalayas, let us discover a rural music, rooted in its ladnscape of high valleys and grazing land.

A cappella songs, sheperd's flutes and peasant lutes combine in a convivial and tranquil music that carries the harsh beauty of the Himalayas.

With the generation born in exile come out new musical forms, born of the contact with Indian culture and of the need for expressing their identity.


For several years, we collected these refugees' songs and music, as well as their stories. Out of this came the album Tibet, songs from exile, a sound portrait of this endearing community.

Along the way, we made two albums with Sherap Dorjee, a musician who played a key role in this adventure. Conferences were given in various places, starting from the prestigious Musée Guimet (Paris), and an unforgettable Franco-Tibetan music gathering was even organized in the refugee camp.

All this work centered on music help us think about the social transformations brought about by exile, about the quest for collective identity, about the richness and the future of peasant cultures...


This project was backed by AET
(Aide à l'Enfance Tibétaine), an association
supporting the Tibetan refugees
for more than thirty years.