The Project

In the region of Lake Sebu, Southern Philippines, the women of the LEMHADONG art collective highlight the cultural heritage of the Tboli society : combining music, dance, weaving and handicraft, they give shape to a world whispered by the trees, the birds, the insects, the forest fairies...

This production of beauty is a way for these women to apprehend the modernity which forced its way into their society, previously centered around the forest.

The CD Women artists of Lake Sebu is the fruit of their friendship with Boris Lelong and cultural association Altamira. Together and over the years, they recorded lutes, gongs, flutes, songs, frogs, streams, horses and other crickets to recompose through sounds the musicians' world.

Facing the future, these talented and endearing women try with this record project to open a new territory for these arts born in a disappearing forest culture...

> Next : The Tboli